Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Blog 8: Video Games as Art

There has been a big debate if video games are considered art. Some say that video games can never be art because there are goals to them and art does not have goals. They also say that since video games have a commercial and business aspect to them. If the game can make money and people have to buy it before they play it than how can it be considered at?

I believe video games can totally be art. These games continue to get better and better in terms of graphics and looking more real. Nowadays in video games, you can see the wind blowing the leaves or an extremely real looking tree. Sometimes people forget that it is not real life and it is just a video game. I think that in certain video games you have a very clear goal that needs to be achieved to 'beat' the game, but I think role playing games or RPGs do not necessarily have goals. Games like World of Warcraft are set in such a huge world that the things you can do are almost endless just like real life. You have 'missions' that you can do and sometimes they need to be completed moving to a select location but they do not need to be done. There is no specific ultimate goal in these RPGs. There is no way you can 'beat the game.' In terms of commercial value, art is also bought and sold. If art has commercial value than is it art? I believe that just because it is bought or sold does not take the fact away that it is art. So this applies to video games also.

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