Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Blog 6: Meme

According to Wikipedia, A meme is “an idea, behavior or style that spreads from person to person within a culture.” It seems that our society is exploding with new memes every day. It is a fun and artistic way to tell a short joke or make a suggestive comment. I think that our culture has made them an important part of our lives. There are no strict rules of how a meme is created so it is a very general term. They usually consist of a photo with captions or unrealistic facial expressions. One example of a meme is the one of Mitt Romney talking about poor people. I think this is a great example of the function of a meme. 

A meme is a great example of conceptual art because it focuses less on the picture and more on the meaning behind the image. So in other words, the message being told is way more important than the actual picture inside of the meme. The best part about a meme is that there can be common pictures used for them. For example, the image could be of a persons facial expression and it could have a saying on it, but then another person could use the same picture but change the words. This changes the entire meaning of the meme.

The meme of the weird face, it is simply saying no. It could be used to express that a person is being irrational or just wrong. 

These memes are a great expression tool via the web. If there was no form of digital communication we wouldn't be able to send each other these files. Some memes can be extremely intricate or very basic.

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